Bee Sweet Ice Cream Parlour, a beloved local establishment in Worthing, has announced its decision to close after five years of operation. The business, located on South Farm Road, will not be renewing its lease, as owners focus on other facets of their operations.
In a heartfelt statement shared on social media, owner Laura Weeks explained that the choice to close the shop was driven by challenging times, both personally and for the business. “This has been a tough decision for me and my family, especially with everything that’s happening in the world,” Weeks wrote. “A lot has changed in the five years since I started, and this feels like the right time.”
The shop will remain open until new tenants are found for the unit. While Bee Sweet Ice Cream Parlour is closing its doors in Worthing, Weeks hinted that the future may hold new opportunities. “I am not selling Bee Sweet, and if a shop becomes available in a busier location, I would consider it,” she said. In the meantime, Weeks will shift her focus to the mobile side of the business, which has been a growing part of Bee Sweet’s operations.
Weeks expressed gratitude for the support the business has received over the years. “Thank you to everyone who has supported us, I achieved more than I ever thought possible,” she shared. “We aren’t going anywhere soon, and we will remain open until a new tenant is found.”
For those interested in hiring Bee Sweet for events, Weeks encouraged customers to get in touch, reassuring them that their bookings would be honored.
The Bee Sweet team, led by Weeks, her partner Josh, and their son Max, thanked customers for their loyalty as they look toward the future with optimism.
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