
Kyl21 Franchise Costs, Profit & Requirements For 2024

by Alice

Kyl21 is a groundbreaking brand in the ice cream industry, offering a unique and futuristic approach to frozen desserts. Known for its molecular gastronomy techniques and innovative flavors, Kyl21 has quickly captured the attention of ice cream enthusiasts and food connoisseurs around the world. This article provides a comprehensive overview of the Kyl21 brand, the costs and conditions of starting a Kyl21 franchise, the franchise process, and the potential profits one can expect.

Kyl21 was founded by David Marx, a renowned food designer and molecular gastronomist, with the vision of revolutionizing the ice cream experience. The brand was born out of a desire to combine culinary artistry with scientific precision, creating a product that is both visually stunning and deliciously unique.


The name “Kyl21” is derived from the Swedish word for “cool” and the number 21, symbolizing the 21st century and the futuristic approach the brand embodies. Kyl21 is known for its geometric, almost sculptural ice cream shapes, created using liquid nitrogen and other advanced techniques. This method not only enhances the visual appeal but also preserves the intense flavors and smooth textures that Kyl21 is celebrated for.


Kyl21 Franchise Cost

Starting a Kyl21 franchise involves several costs that potential franchisees need to consider. These costs can vary based on location, store size, and other factors. Here is a breakdown of the typical initial investment and ongoing expenses associated with a Kyl21 franchise:

Initial Franchise Fee: The initial franchise fee for a Kyl21 franchise typically ranges from $30,000 to $50,000. This fee grants the franchisee the rights to operate under the Kyl21 brand name and access to proprietary systems and support.

Real Estate and Build-Out Costs: Securing a suitable location and building out the store to meet Kyl21’s futuristic design standards can be a significant expense. Depending on the location and size of the store, these costs can range from $200,000 to $500,000.

Equipment and Inventory: Outfitting the store with necessary equipment such as liquid nitrogen freezers, display cases, and an initial inventory of ice cream and other products can cost between $75,000 and $150,000.

Marketing and Initial Promotions: Launching a new franchise requires a robust marketing and promotional campaign to attract customers. This can cost around $15,000 to $30,000.

Training and Support Fees: Kyl21 provides comprehensive training and ongoing support to its franchisees. There may be additional fees associated with these services, typically ranging from $5,000 to $10,000.

Working Capital: It’s essential to have sufficient working capital to cover initial operating expenses until the franchise becomes profitable. This amount can vary, but it’s generally recommended to have at least $50,000 to $100,000 set aside.

In total, the initial investment for a Kyl21 franchise can range from $375,000 to $840,000. It’s important to note that these figures are estimates, and actual costs may vary based on individual circumstances.

Kyl21 Franchise Conditions

Kyl21 has established specific conditions and criteria that potential franchisees must meet to ensure they align with the brand’s values and standards. These conditions are designed to maintain the integrity and reputation of the Kyl21 brand while providing franchisees with a framework for success.

Financial Stability: Prospective franchisees must demonstrate financial stability and the ability to invest the required capital. This includes having a strong credit history and sufficient liquid assets to cover the initial investment and ongoing expenses.

Business Experience: While previous experience in the food service or retail industry is not mandatory, it is highly beneficial. Kyl21 looks for individuals with a strong business acumen, leadership skills, and a passion for customer service.

Location Requirements: Franchisees must secure a prime location that meets Kyl21’s criteria for visibility, accessibility, and customer traffic. The company provides guidance and support in selecting and securing an appropriate site.

Commitment to Brand Standards: Franchisees must adhere to Kyl21’s brand standards, including store design, product quality, and customer service. Consistency across all franchise locations is crucial to maintaining the brand’s reputation.

Training Participation: Franchisees are required to participate in Kyl21’s comprehensive training program, which covers all aspects of operating the business, from product preparation to marketing and customer service.

Ongoing Collaboration: Kyl21 values a collaborative relationship with its franchisees. Regular communication, participation in company meetings, and adherence to operational guidelines are essential.

By meeting these conditions, franchisees can ensure they are well-prepared to represent the Kyl21 brand and contribute to its continued success.

See Also: Ice Cream Jubilee Franchise Costs, Profit & Requirements For 2024

Kyl21 Franchise Process

The process of becoming a Kyl21 franchisee involves several steps designed to ensure a smooth and successful launch. Here’s a detailed look at the steps involved:

Initial Inquiry: Interested individuals can start by filling out an inquiry form on the Kyl21 website. This form typically asks for basic information about the applicant and their interest in the franchise.

Initial Consultation: After reviewing the inquiry form, a representative from Kyl21 will reach out to schedule an initial consultation. This conversation helps both parties determine if there is a mutual interest in moving forward.

Application Submission: If the initial consultation is positive, the next step is to complete a formal franchise application. This application provides more detailed information about the applicant’s background, financial situation, and business experience.

Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD) Review: Upon approval of the application, the prospective franchisee will receive the Franchise Disclosure Document (FDD). This document contains important information about the franchise, including financial details, franchisee obligations, and legal considerations. It’s essential to review the FDD thoroughly and seek legal or financial advice if needed.

Discovery Day: Kyl21 may invite prospective franchisees to a Discovery Day, where they can visit the company’s headquarters, meet key team members, and gain a deeper understanding of the brand and its operations.

Franchise Agreement Signing: If both parties are satisfied and ready to proceed, the franchisee will sign the franchise agreement. This legally binding document outlines the terms and conditions of the franchise relationship.

Site Selection and Approval: With the franchise agreement in place, the next step is to select a suitable location for the store. Kyl21 provides guidance and support in evaluating potential sites and securing a lease.

Store Build-Out and Training: Once a location is secured, the store build-out process begins. This includes designing and outfitting the store to meet Kyl21’s futuristic design standards. Simultaneously, the franchisee and their team will undergo comprehensive training to prepare for the store’s opening.

Grand Opening and Ongoing Support: After completing the build-out and training, the store is ready for its grand opening. Kyl21 provides ongoing support to help franchisees with marketing, operations, and any challenges that may arise.

Kyl21 Franchise Profit

The potential profitability of a Kyl21 franchise can vary based on several factors, including location, operating costs, and management efficiency. However, understanding the key revenue streams and cost components can provide a clearer picture of the potential financial performance.

Revenue Streams

Ice Cream Sales: The primary source of revenue for Kyl21 franchises is the sale of its unique ice cream. This includes individual scoops, pints, and specialty items like ice cream bars and popsicles.

Retail Products: Some Kyl21 franchises may also sell branded retail products, such as packaged ice cream, merchandise, and other related items.

Catering and Events: Offering catering services for parties, corporate events, and special occasions can be an additional revenue stream. This can include ice cream carts, nitrogen ice cream bars, and other customized options.

Cost Components

Cost of Goods Sold (COGS): The cost of raw materials, including high-quality ingredients and packaging, is a significant expense. Maintaining high-quality standards while managing COGS is crucial for profitability.

Labor Costs: Employee wages, benefits, and training expenses are another major cost component. Efficient staffing and labor management can help control these costs.

Rent and Utilities: The cost of leasing the store location and utilities such as electricity, water, and internet are ongoing expenses that impact profitability.

Marketing and Promotions: Investing in marketing and promotional activities to attract and retain customers is essential. This can include local advertising, social media campaigns, and special promotions.

Franchise Fees and Royalties: Franchisees are typically required to pay ongoing royalties and marketing fees to the franchisor. These fees are usually a percentage of gross sales and contribute to the overall costs.

Profit Potential

The profitability of a Kyl21 franchise can be influenced by factors such as location, competition, and effective management. While specific profit figures can vary, franchisees can expect to achieve profitability within the first few years of operation if they manage their costs effectively and build a loyal customer base.

By providing high-quality products, exceptional customer service, and engaging marketing strategies, Kyl21 franchisees can maximize their revenue potential and achieve long-term success.


Investing in a Kyl21 franchise offers an exciting opportunity to be part of a cutting-edge brand that is redefining the ice cream experience. With its unique product offerings, commitment to quality, and innovative approach, Kyl21 stands out in the competitive ice cream industry.

Prospective franchisees should carefully consider the costs, conditions, and process involved in starting a Kyl21 franchise. By doing so, they can make informed decisions and position themselves for success in this dynamic and rewarding business venture.

With the potential for profitability and the support of the Kyl21 team, franchisees can look forward to creating unforgettable ice cream experiences for their customers while building a successful and thriving business.


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