
Nutritionist uncovers ‘scary’ chemicals behind Nestle’s Drumstick ice cream that miraculously doesn’t melt

by Alice

A video circulating on social media has sparked concern as it depicts a Nestle Drumstick ice cream cone seemingly resistant to melting, even after being exposed to warm temperatures for over 24 hours. With views exceeding 20 million, the footage showcases the ice cream cone alongside a lighter, yet despite efforts to melt it, the ice cream and chocolate coating remain intact.

Numerous TikTok users have replicated similar experiments, leaving unpackaged Drumsticks in elevated temperatures to observe their melting rate. Commenters have expressed alarm at the ice cream’s inability to melt, with descriptions ranging from “scary” to labeling the chemicals within as “poison.”


In response to the perplexing phenomenon, Abbey Sharp, a prominent dietitian with a substantial TikTok following, shed light on the artificial additives responsible for this unusual behavior. Sharp elucidated that a combination of emulsifiers, additives, and other chemicals commonly found in ultra-processed foods such as microwave meals and dressings contribute to the ice cream’s resistance to melting.


“Emulsifiers and gums are particularly important for something like a pre-formed ice cream cone or an ice cream sandwich, where it has to maintain a specific shape,” noted Sharp. She explained that these additives allow manufacturers to reduce the use of expensive ingredients like cream while maintaining texture and consistency.


Despite concerns surrounding the potential health implications of consuming foods containing emulsifiers, Sharp emphasized that the meltability of ice cream should not be equated with its healthfulness, except for individuals with specific sensitivities.


Research on the effects of emulsifiers has yielded mixed results, with studies indicating potential adverse health outcomes, including unintentional weight loss and anxious behaviors in mice, as well as an increased risk of type 2 diabetes in humans.

In light of these findings, Sharp emphasized the importance of moderation when consuming processed foods. “Ice cream, with or without additives, is not a health food. It’s meant to be enjoyed in moderation because it brings you joy,” she asserted, urging consumers to exercise discretion and avoid leaving ice cream out overnight.

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